Things to do In Valencia when it Rains

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Rainy days in Valencia might mean adjusting your plans, but there’s still plenty to see and do in this vibrant Spanish city. Here are some suggestions for activities and places to visit when the weather is less than ideal.

Art Modern Institute Museum of Valencia


Valencia is home to a variety of museums. Some top choices include

  • City of Arts and Sciences: While parts of it are outdoors, many of its attractions, like the Oceanografic and the Hemisfèric, are indoors.
  • Museo de Bellas Artes: One of Spain’s most important classical art museums.
  • Valencia History Museum: Offers an interactive journey through the city’s past.

Central Market

One of the oldest running food markets in Europe, it’s covered and offers a large range of local produce, meats, cheeses and more.


Head to the Colón area or the shopping mall Nuevo Centro to shop away the rainy hours.

Castellón de la plana
Castellón de la plana, Valencia

Cafes and Chocolaterías

Valencia has some lovely traditional cafes where you can try ‘churros con chocolate’, a local favourite, especially comforting on a rainy day.

Valencian Gothic Architecture

Visit the Silk Exchange (La Lonja de la Seda), a UNESCO World Heritage site, to admire its stunning gothic architecture.

Cathedral and Basilica

Explore the interiors of the Valencia Cathedral and the Basilica of the Virgin.


Watch a movie. Some cinemas in Valencia, like the Yelmo Cines, occasionally show English-language films.

Spa Day

Treat yourself to a spa day. Many hotels in Valencia offer spa services, and there are also independent establishments like the Balneario La Alameda.


Check out the programme at the Teatro Principal or the Teatro Olympia for plays, musicals, or concerts.

Theatre Principal in Valencia

Cooking Classes

Learn how to make a traditional Valencian paella or other local dishes indoors.

Libraries and Bookstores

Spend some time in Valencia’s libraries or independent bookstores. Some, like Ubik Café, combine a bookstore with a café, making it a cozy place to spend a rainy afternoon.

Wine Tasting

Visit a local wine bar or bodega for some wine tasting. Valencia and its surrounding regions produce some excellent wines.

Wine Bar at Requena
Requena, Valencia, Spain


The Oceanografic in the City of Arts and Sciences is Europe’s largest aquarium and a perfect place to stay dry while exploring marine life.

Escape Rooms

Challenge yourself with one of Valencia’s escape rooms, a fun way to spend an hour or two indoors.

Remember, sometimes a rainy day offers the perfect excuse to slow down, enjoy a long meal at a local restaurant, or simply relax with a book in a café. Whatever you choose, there’s plenty to keep you entertained in Valencia, rain or shine.

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