Free Things to do In Valencia

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Valencia, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and beautiful landscapes, offers a wide selection of activities that won’t cost you a penny! Here are some free things to do in Valencia.

Turia Gardens Valencia Spain

Turia Gardens

Once the Turia River flowed through the city, but after a devastating flood, it was rerouted, and the old riverbed was transformed into a sprawling park. It’s perfect for a leisurely stroll, jogging, or cycling.

Explore El Carmen

Wander through the narrow streets of the historic El Carmen district, where you can admire medieval architecture, street art, and soak in the city’s history.

Visit the Beach

Relax on the sandy shores of Malvarrosa or Patacona Beach. It’s a great place to sunbathe, play beach volleyball, or just watch the waves.

El Saler Beach , Valencia, Spain
Playa El Saler, Valencia, Spain

Attend a Street Festival

Depending on when you visit, you might catch one of Valencia’s many festivals, like Las Fallas in March, where the city is filled with massive sculptures, parades, and fireworks.

Central Market

While purchasing might cost you, wandering around the bustling Central Market, admiring the architecture and soaking in the local atmosphere, is free.

Plaza de la Virgen

This historic square is home to the Valencia Cathedral and the Basilica of the Virgin. It’s a great spot to people-watch and enjoy the city’s ambiance.

Basilica of the Virgin, Plaza de la Virgin
Plaça de la Verge, Valencia, Spain

Attend Free Concerts

Throughout the year, especially in summer, various venues and parks in Valencia host free concerts and performances.

Climb the Torres de Serranos

On Sundays, entrance to this ancient city gate is free. It offers panoramic views of the city.

Visit the Albufera Natural Park

While some activities might have a fee, wandering around and enjoying the natural beauty of this park is free.

Window Shopping

Wander around areas like Calle Colón and the Mercado de Colón, where you can window shop and enjoy the city’s vibrant shopping scene.

Admire Street Art

El Carmen, in particular, is filled with vibrant street art. Take a self-guided tour and discover murals and graffiti that give the city its modern edge.

Calle de los colores

Visit the City of Arts and Sciences

While the interior attractions have an entrance fee, wandering around the futuristic complex and admiring the stunning architecture from the outside is free.

Free Museums

Some museums in Valencia offer free entry on specific days or times. It’s worth checking in advance.

Attend the Water Court

Every Thursday at noon, you can witness the Tribunal de las Aguas, an ancient water court, at the door of the Apostles of the Valencia Cathedral.

Explore the Marina

The Marina of Valencia, with its modern structures and beautiful yachts, is a great place to take a walk.

Playa de Port Saplaya
Playa de Port Saplaya Beach, Valencia, Spain

Remember, one of the best ways to experience Valencia is by simply wandering its streets, discovering hidden squares, and immersing yourself in its unique blend of old and new.

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