Budget Accommodation in Valencia

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Valencia, like many popular tourist destinations, offers a range of budget accommodations. Here are a few types of budget accommodation you might consider when looking for affordable stays in Valencia:


Valencia has a number of hostels that cater to backpackers and budget travellers.

Examples include https://riverhostelvalencia.com/en/ and https://homehostelsvalencia.com/

The River Hostel, Valencia
The River Hostel, Valencia, Spain

Budget Hotels

There are several 1-star and 2-star hotels in Valencia that offer basic amenities at a lower price. Examples include https://hotelsolplaya.com/ and https://www.casualhoteles.com/casual-de-la-musica-valencia.html


Consider looking for private rooms or shared accommodations on Airbnb. Sometimes, locals offer rooms in their homes at very affordable rates.

Check out this link to find all the available options – https://www.airbnb.co.uk/a/stays/Valencia


If you’re up for an adventure, consider camping sites around Valencia.

A couple of recommended option include https://www.collvertcamping.com/ and https://www.lamarinaresorts.com/resorts/devesa-gardens/

Càmping Coll Vert, Valencia
Càmping Coll Vert, Valencia, Spain


These are like a blend between an apartment and a hotel, often offering kitchen facilities which can save you money on eating out.

Examples include https://monsuitescatedral.com/ and https://www.ohmyloft.com/

Bed and Breakfasts

B&Bs can sometimes be cheaper than standard hotels and offer a more personal touch.

Examples are https://www.abcyou.es/en and https://www.artandflats.com/


  • Stay outside the city center: Accommodations in the outskirts or in nearby towns can be cheaper than those in the heart of Valencia. The city has a good public transport system, making it easy to commute.
  • Look for deals: Websites like Booking.com, Hostelworld, and Agoda often have deals or discounts, especially if you book in advance.

Always remember to check recent reviews when considering budget accommodations to ensure that you’re getting good value for your money. Prices and availability can vary based on the season, local events, and other factors, so it’s a good idea to book in advance if you’re travelling during peak times.

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