Things to do In Valencia on a Budget

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Valencia offers a wide range of activities that are both enjoyable and budget-friendly. Here are some things you can do in Valencia without breaking the bank.

Turia Gardens

This former riverbed turned park stretches across the city and is perfect for picnics, jogging, or cycling. You can rent a bike for a few euros and explore its length.

Turia Gardens Valencia Spain

City Beaches

Malvarrosa and Patacona beaches are free to access. Pack a picnic, bring a towel, and enjoy a day under the sun.

Free Museum Days

Many museums in Valencia offer free entry on Sundays or specific days of the month. For instance, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Valencian History Museum are free on Sundays.

Central Market

While you might be tempted to buy, just wandering around this bustling market, soaking in the atmosphere, and admiring the architecture is a treat.

El Carmen

Explore the historic district’s narrow streets, admire the street art, and soak in the city’s history.

Cheap Eats

Look for local tapas bars or “menu del día” deals in restaurants, which offer a set lunch menu at a reduced price.

City of Arts and Sciences

While the interior attractions have fees, you can admire the futuristic architecture from the outside for free.

Albufera Natural Park

A short bus ride from the city, this park is perfect for nature lovers. While boat tours have a fee, walking around is free.

Albufera National Park Valencia
Parc Natural de l'Albufera, Valencia Spain

Attend Local Festivals

Depending on when you visit, you might catch a local festival or street performance.

Valencia Cathedral

The entrance fee is modest, and it offers a glimpse into Valencia’s rich history.

Public Transport

Valencia’s public transport system is affordable. Consider getting a Valencia Tourist Card, which offers unlimited public transport and discounts on attractions.

Visit the Marina

Wander around the Marina of Valencia, admire the yachts, and enjoy the atmosphere.

Taste Horchata

This traditional Valencian drink made from tiger nuts is a must-try. Pair it with “fartons”, a local pastry.

Taste Horchata
Valencia, Spain

Free Walking Tours

Several companies offer “pay-what-you-wish” walking tours, where you can get an introduction to the city and pay based on your satisfaction.

Discount Cards

Consider investing in a Valencia Card, which offers free public transport and discounts on many attractions and restaurants.

Local Markets

Apart from the Central Market, explore local neighborhood markets like Mercado de Ruzafa or Mercado de Cabanyal for affordable local produce and goods.

Mercado Central Valencia Spain

Attend the Water Court

Witness the Tribunal de las Aguas, an ancient water court tradition, every Thursday at the Valencia Cathedral’s Apostles’ door.

Budget Accommodation

Consider staying in hostels, budget hotels, or looking for deals on platforms like Airbnb. Look at our page on Budget accommodation here

Picnic Spots

Buy local produce and have a picnic in one of Valencia’s parks or by the beach.

Student Discounts

If you’re a student, always ask if there’s a discount available for attractions, tours, or events.

By prioritising and planning ahead, you can enjoy the essence of Valencia without spending excessively.

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